Debunking the Top 5 Old Wives’ Tales About Pregnancy

Top 5 Tales About Pregnancy

When it comes to pregnancy, everyone from your friends, your family members, and even experienced mothers have something to tell you, whether it is regarding your earliest symptoms of pregnancy or how you plan to deliver your baby. But unfortunately, most of these things are not backed by science. We help you separate fact from fiction, to ensure you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Morning sickness means your baby is probably not getting enough nutrition

Contrary to the name, morning sickness can happen to you at any time of the day an is often one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. It is also one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy which arises due to hormonal changes in your body. It has nothing to do with your baby’s nutrition, and even if you are being able to keep only a very small amount of food down, your baby is still getting all the nutrients it needs.

Skip the gym, or you will harm the baby

Some people will advise you to take as much rest as possible, and stay away from working out to keep your baby safe. This is a false belief as in most cases, low-impact workouts can be a great way to keep your weight in check. Moderate level exercises will not harm you unless you have a specific medical condition and your doctor has advised you against it. Talk to your OB/GYN about the intensity of exercise you can take on.

Eating papaya will lead to miscarriage

It is common belief that eating Papaya is dangerous when pregnant, as it can lead to miscarriage. Papaya is a fruit known for helping in good digestion, and a great source of Vitamin A. The truth is that raw papaya is suspected to contain high amounts of latex which is supposed to induce abortion or early labour, so it’s a good idea to avoid raw papaya to be completely sure. But you can still include ripe papaya in your diet.

For fair complexion of babies, eat Saffron or drink lots of milk

This is a deep-rooted belief in Indian culture, with no scientific basis whatsoever. Drinking excessive amounts of milk or eating Saffron will have no significance on the baby’s complexion, as skin complexion is largely dependent upon your genetic inheritance. It’s important to remember that Saffron may enhance the colour and flavour of a food dish, but it will do nothing for the skin tone of your baby.

Avoid spicy foods as it may cause a miscarriage or trigger premature labour.

Scientific evidence suggests that labour is triggered by biological signals. There is no evidence that what you eat has any effect on the delivery date. So It’s unlikely that spicy food will cause harm to your baby. It’s true that a small fraction of what you eat goes into your amniotic fluid, but it might actually be good for your baby, as it is getting introduced to a wider palette of food early in life. If you can stomach it, you should eat it!

When you’re pregnant, you’re likely to hear a lot of Old Wives Tales, and sometimes they’re easier to follow than medical advice. It’s important to keep in mind that while most of these may be harmless, they also have no logical basis, and might end up prompting unnecessary anxiety. The bottom line – listen to your grandmother’s advice, but check with your doctor before following it.

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